Benefits Of Emotional Learning In Children

Benefits Of Emotional Learning In Children

There is a plethora of advantages in studying what types of learning children can benefit from. One example of a process is social emotional learning. What this type of learning entails is the process of teaching the child to work through very difficult emotions. With that said, this type of learning needs to be discussed in depth in order to learn how to teach a child social-emotional skills, what they are in specific, and how the child will benefit from it. 

First thing’s first, what are social emotional skills (or learning, SEL)? According to the CDE (California Department of Education), these are the skills that a child must develop in order to understand their own feelings, as well as the ability to comprehend the emotions of others. The advantages the child will see include healthy self-perception, impulse control, respect for others, and many more benefits. Ideally, this impact that can be created by giving the child a realistic view of their overall selves. This is influenced through their regulation of emotions and can assist in their overall self-perception. 

What is the best method of teaching a child these skills? Schools provide a learning experience for growth and development, but the child needs more social and emotional interactions from the parents (or adult in their life). Essentially, toddlers would be a good starting point for social-emotional skills. Noodle provides a few ways for this to occur, including modeling rules and expectations and validating the expression of feelings. Modeling rules and expectations, according to Noodle, includes setting an example for how certain emotions should be expressed. Furthermore, asking the child what is wrong verses expressing disdain toward crying or other behaviors, can help the child work through how and why they feel the way they do. Teaching children the proper emotional response to a situation as well as setting that example for them is quite pertinent. 

The benefits, as stated before, are overabundant. Not only will the child be able to express themselves and identify the best ways to express their emotions, but they will be able to incorporate problem-solving strategies, conflict resolution skills, and respects for others. Another key point to factor in is the reduction of social anxieties. Children that participated in SEL based activities have shown a higher likelihood of the ability to cooperate better with their peers, as well as lessened anxiety and depression. 

As a whole, children need the guidance of an adult to assist them in proper learning skills. From education to social expression, they need an overall outlook on how to best be able to function in society. Overall, the children presented with the proper tools in social skills have a greater experience in their general wellbeing. Knowing what those tools are can get the child a proper background in order to set them up for success. Additionally, the child will be able to have meaningful social encounters, an overall increase in the ability to learn, and an overall positive sense of self.


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